Dan Parlow
Contact Dan:
Dan Parlow
T: 604.331.8322
E: dparlow@kornfeldllp.com
Assistant: Teresa Leung
T: 604.331.8363
E: tleung@kornfeldllp.com
Dan Parlow’s clients include investors, property owners, financial institutions, entrepreneurs, estates and trusts, beneficiaries, professionals and high-tech businesses. He has helped resolve claims over disputed investments, business assets, shareholder and partnership interests and commercial property, disputed wills, trusts and estates.
Dan Parlow has for many years served a leadership role, including board Chairs of Operation Eyesight Universal and of Arthritis Research Canada. These highly efficient non-governmental organizations improve countless lives annually.
An entrepreneur himself, in 2004 Dan Parlow co-founded a Vancouver-based e-commerce business in which he developed successful business relationships with companies in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Dan also serves a leadership role in the profession. This has included serving on the Board of Governors of the Trial Lawyers Association of British Columbia and participating as a writer, organizer and speaker at many legal education conferences and seminars.
Born and raised in Ontario, Dan enjoys foreign languages and singing four-part a cappella harmony.
Practice Areas
- Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
- Undergraduate Studies, Université de Montréal and University of Western Ontario
Bar Admissions
- British Columbia, 1991
- Alberta, 1986
- Operation Eyesight Universal (Canada) – Chair 2012-2015, Board of Directors, Board member 2008-2015 and 2018-present. Current Chair of governance committee.
- Trial Lawyers Association of BC – Board of Governors, 2013-17, various committees since 2010. Has chaired and spoken at commercial and estates law conferences on real property litigation, estates, interlocutory relief, pressure tactics and equitable remedies.
- Arthritis Research Canada – Chair 2014-17, Board of Directors, Board member 2010-17. Served on governance and finance committees. Pro bono legal consultant.
- badsciencewatch.ca – watchdog organization. Member, Board of Advisors, 2012-17.
- Vancouver Learning Centre for special needs children. Member, Board of Advisors, 2010-17.
- Kornfeld LLP – Partner since 2010
- MyTripJournal Technologies Inc. – President 2006-09.
- DuMoulin Boskovich LLP – Associate then Partner 1993-2006.
- Freeman & Company – Associate 1990-93.
- Bennett Jones – Articled then Associate 1986-89.
- French, Spanish and Italian
Published Works
- “Mareva Injunction Applications and Other Pre-Judgement Remedies – Tactical And Ethical Considerations”
- “Use and Abuse of Certificates of Pending Litigation (2021 Update)”
- “Principles of Tracing (2021)”
- “Principles of Tracing: Real Estate Litigation”
- “Use and Abuse of Certificates of Pending Litigation”
- “Ending Commercial Tenancies”
- “Joint Retainers – Planning For Potential Conflicts”
- “New Rule Change on Document Discovery will Affect Litigants’ Rights and Counsel’s Ethical Responsibility”
- “Empowering Canadian Corporations to Limit Personal Liability of Directors”
- “Uncertainties Inherent in Synthetic CDOs / Credit Default Swaps”
- “Executor Conflict of Interest and the Administrator Pendente Lite”
- “Demand Futility in Derivative Action Cases”
- “Wills Variation and the Blended Family: Who Wins, Who Loses?”
- “Wills Variation Claims Involving Independent Adult Children”
- “The Prospects of a Successful Claim Against Auditors in Fraud”
Notable Cases
Shen v Lou, 2023 BCSC 414
Our client was successful in having a Mareva injunction discharged. Under the Injunction, our client’s worldwide assets, up to $29,280,000, had been frozen.
The British Columbia Supreme Court set aside the Injunction due to material non-disclosure by the plaintiff in obtaining the original Order, and further held that the Injunction must be denied on a de novo reconsideration. The Court ordered special costs in favour of our client due to the plaintiff’s reprehensible conduct, as well as an assessment of damages claimed by our client as a result of the improperly obtained Injunction.
Keep Reading -  
Youyi Group Holdings (Canada) Ltd. v. Brentwood Lanes Canada Ltd., 2020 BCCA 130
The British Columbia Court of Appeal agreed with the judge at trial that a $28.8 million contract of purchase and sale should not be enforced, being tainted by the illegality of the purchasers’ fraudulent conduct. While the trial judge found numerous instances of illegal conduct each rendering the contract unenforceable, the Court of Appeal considered it unnecessary to look beyond the conclusion that the purchasers had designed and used the contract and related lease to falsely inflate rent for financing purposes.
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Pacific Centre Limited v. Creative Energy Vancouver Platforms Inc., Westbank Projects Corp. and others, 2020 BCSC 676
Cadillac Fairview Limited and its property, Pacific Centre mall, were unsuccessful in their efforts to stop the proposed redevelopment of 720 Beatty St., site of the Creative Energy steam heat plant which serves the energy needs of over 200 commercial and residential buildings throughout downtown Vancouver. Our clients, Creative Energy and Westbank Projects Corp., are teaming up to build a state-of-the-art office tower and entertainment facilities bridging Vancouver’s Yaletown district with BC Place Stadium.
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Youyi Group Holdings (Canada) Ltd. v. Brentwood Lanes Canada Ltd., 2019 BCSC 739
After a 78-day trial, the Supreme Court of British Columbia allowed our client to withdraw from a $28,800,000 contract for the sale of a large redevelopment site, due to the intended purchaser’s use of the contract for illegal purposes. This allowed our client to reap a nearly $50,000,000 increase in value.
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The Residents Association Mount Pleasant v. Vancouver (City), 2015 BCSC 551
In two decisions, the British Columbia Supreme Court refused multiple efforts by a residents’ association to halt a multibuilding, 258-unit project now called the Independent at Main. The project, developed by Kornfeld clients Rize Alliance (Kingsway) Properties Ltd. and Rize-Ayalaland Limited Partnership, has since emerged as the heart of redevelopment of the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood along the Broadway corridor, only minutes from downtown.
Keep Reading
Contact Dan:
Dan Parlow
T: 604.331.8322
E: dparlow@kornfeldllp.com
Assistant: Teresa Leung
T: 604.331.8363
E: tleung@kornfeldllp.com